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Morning Devotional:

Not all parental advice is good advice.

“When we were young parents, we were given the bright Idea, that when you have to travel a long distance with a newborn or toddler, You should travel at night. Then the children sleep better, arrived refreshed and it is just better for all involved.” Well that was a nightmare, apparently our kids didn’t get the memo. They just stayed up, excited at the new scenery, then bawled in the wee hours of the night, finally when we arrived at the destination, Everyone was frazzled, exhausted, and we start the trip off on a horrible foot.”

This experience reminds me of a valuable lesson.  While we can meticulously plan and prepare, life often throws curveballs, testing our adaptability and faith.  And again, Not all parenting advice works for all kids.

In the midst of parenting’s unpredictableness, we find solace in the unwavering presence of our God. He is the ultimate guide, leading us through the craziness of parenthood with His infinite wisdom and love.

Proverbs 16:3 reminds us, “Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and he will establish your plans.”  When unexpected challenges arise, we can turn to God in prayer, seeking His strength and guidance. And nothing sends you to your knees like children.  


Burning Question: What are some of your best traveling strategies? 

Bible Quiz:

Question:Who did God Tell Moses would be the new shepherd over Israel?

Answer: Joshua Numbers 27:16-18

Storytime: Why did someone invent Concrete?

Just one More Thing

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