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What Day Is It?

The Burning Question:

It’s Unique Names Day.  What is the most unique name you’ve heard?

Morning Devotional:

A few minutes before my church’s worship service started last Sunday, a family sat down in the seats next to me. In the seat closest to mine was their little girl, probably three years of age or so. I’m normally not one who likes being crowded in church as I enjoy having elbow room, but this was a happy exception as I was about to have some fun with my new pew mate.

What happened for the next few minutes was sheer delight as I initiated a sneaky game of peek-a-boo. I would give her a little smile, a wink and a little wave and she would quickly hide behind her mom’s coat or her mom’s arm. I’d wait several seconds for her to come out and get curious again, and then I would repeat the routine. The more I initiated the routine, the faster she hid – and the wider her smile became. By the time worship was over, I had won her over and we were buds.

Everyone born into the human race has played the game of hide and seek with God. We hide and He seeks. We become winners when we realize He is calling us out of hiding to receive His forgiveness and grace, secured for us through His son Jesus. There’s no need to fear, no need to hide anymore. Be found in Him!

– Beth

Bible Quiz:

Question:  To what woman did Jesus say, “God is a spirit?”

Answer:  The Samaritan woman at the well  (John 4:24)

Storytime: I really want inner peace!

Just one more thing!

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