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What Day Is It?

Burning Question:

If you have one last meal before giving up your favorite food for 40 days, what would it be?

Morning Devotional:

Years ago, I worked at a job I couldn’t stand. It was also a job I couldn’t leave. 

It wasn’t that I was desperate for the money. I was merely looking for a little extra cash to have in a vacation fund. The job wasn’t strenuous or even one that required a lot of thought on my part. It was tedious, though, and lacked any kind of inspirational value to my soul. I wanted out of the role badly – but something in my spirit said I had to stay. 

Oh, I stayed there, too – to the tune of a full year beyond my personal decision to leave. What kept me in a dead end job I couldn’t stand? I didn’t know, except the Lord hadn’t given me the green light to go. 

What I didn’t see at the time but know now is that over the course of those twelve months or so, a parade of employees would come through my department. Our company would experience a turbulent season of change, and my own role within the company would change in a way that didn’t improve my situation. But I stayed in my job for that full year to meet one particular person – someone who not only became a good friend, but also needed to know about Jesus Christ. I had no idea I would be the person God would use to bring her to Jesus. It was a connection that may not have happened, had I not obeyed the Lord, laid down my desire to quit and stayed in my job longer than I wanted.

I was reminded of a word in James 4 that says, “Instead, you ought to say, ‘If it is the Lord’s will, we will live and do this or that.’” Let’s make it a point to ask each day what the Lord’s will truly is for us and obey whatever He asks us to do, wherever it takes us.

– Beth

Bible Quiz:s

Question:  Who said, “The God of our ancestors raised Jesus from the dead, whom you killed by hanging Him on a cross”?

Answer:  Peter, or Peter and the other apostles  (Acts 5:30)

Storytime: Croutons?!

Just One More Thing!

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