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What Day Is It?

The Burning Question:

What is a character quality you wish you had more of?

Morning Devotional:

Dinner time was not going well last night at my home, at least not for my little four-legged resident. 

I had prepared her usual mix of beef and kibble, slightly moistened and pureed. However, there was a problem with her meal. She had dozed off while I was making her food so when she woke up to eat, her meal had dried out to the point where it was, at least in her mind, inedible.

I was working at my desk, unaware of her dissatisfaction until I began to sense a presence close to me. There she was at my feet, waiting. Once she knew she had my attention, she made her way back to her plate to point out the dilemma before her. I took her food, mixed it up a little bit and thought I had fixed the problem. Minutes later, I noticed she was still sitting by that plate of food, just waiting. 

What could she possibly want now, I wondered. The meal was her typical fare, dinner time was the same as always. There was one thing I didn’t consider, though. Cheese. She loves cheese, and she knew if she waited long enough, she would probably get some.

She did.

We are cautioned in the Word many times over to wait for the Lord and His promises. We see many cases in the scriptures where people decided to run ahead of God’s best for them with bad results. We need to remember that God has great things in store for those who choose to wait for His best. Isaiah 64:4 says, “Since ancient times no one has heard, no ear has perceived, no eye has seen any God besides you, who acts on behalf of those who wait for him.”

– Beth

Bible Quiz:

Question:  What apostle was almost done in by 40 men waiting to ambush him at Jerusalem?

Answer:  Paul  (Acts 23)

Storytime: All Plans should be in Pencil!

Just one more thing!

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