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What Day Is It?

The Burning Question:

What simple thing always feels like a luxury?

Morning Devotional:

I went for a walk this past weekend, and it was so, so hot. The sun beat down relentlessly, and I felt like I was melting into the pavement. Then there was the relief, the blessed relief of walking into an ice cream establishment with air conditioning. The cool air hit me like a wave, refreshing and rejuvenating.

This experience reminded me of how life can often feel overwhelming, like walking in the heat with no shade in sight. We face challenges, stress, and difficult times that can drain us and make us feel exhausted. But just as I found relief in that ice cream shop, we can find relief and refreshment in God’s presence.

Jesus says in Matthew 11:28, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” Just as the cool air brought me physical relief, Jesus offers us spiritual rest and peace. When we turn to Him in prayer, read His Word, and seek His presence, we find the strength and refreshment we need to keep going.

So, next time you feel overwhelmed by life’s challenges, remember to seek out the true source of rest and relief—our Savior, Jesus Christ. He is always ready to welcome us with open arms and provide the peace that surpasses all understanding.


Bible Quiz:

Question:  What 4 women in the early church were described as Prophetesses?

Answer:  The Daughters of Phillip Acts 21:8-9

Storytime: The Lip Bomb

Just One More Thing!

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