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What Day Is It?

The Burning Question:

What’s a great book to give someone that might be curious about Christianity?

Morning Devotional:

I was already struggling to get some sleep when she did it. My dog, Zoey, was barking in the middle of the night. Again.

She has been doing this in streaks as of late. Zoey would be fine for a few days and then for a two- or three-day stretch, she would wake me up a couple of times a night for one reason or another. This time I couldn’t figure out why.

They say an average adult dog sleeps around twelve hours per day. Senior dogs like mine can sleep for about twenty hours per day. When you take into consideration that my dog is blind and can’t distinguish between daytime and nighttime hours, you just might have discovered the source of the problem.

What was it that was prompting my little dog to frantically wake me from my slumber? Hunger. For her, one o’clock in the morning was lunchtime, and a plate of kibble bits covered in beef flavored gravy was all she needed. She cleaned her plate and was snoring again in no time.

I normally don’t have difficulty falling asleep but lately, I’ve had trouble staying asleep. Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night and my brain goes into overdrive, searching for something to calm my spirit. I think about a problem at work, a family situation that needs tending to, an obligation that I’m struggling to meet. When I’m caught up in my troubles and worries, I have to make it a point to give them all over to God.

King David had to do this and I believe he did it well, as he wrote this in Psalm 3:5: “I lie down and sleep; I awake again, because the Lord sustains me.” That’s not just positive thinking, that’s David’s faith speaking. God will meet your needs, day or night, so give them over to Him and get some sleep.

– Beth

Bible Quiz:

Question:  What prophet told the priest Pashur that his new name was to be Magor-Missabib, or Terror on Every Side?

Answer:  Jeremiah (Jeremiah 20:3)

Storytime: Life isn’t a Baseball Game!

Just One More Thing!

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