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What Day Is It?

The Burning Question:

What comes to mind when you hear the phrase, “It happened on the way to school?”

Morning Devotional:

Getting back into my normal work schedule after being away from it for a week is usually a bit tricky. It was made all the more difficult when a certain object in my bedroom decided to go haywire on me. 

I have a love-hate relationship with my alarm clock. I purchased the cheapest one I could find when my previous one quit on me and I should have invested a little more money than I did. This clock has been a pain to set since I bought it, and it has proven to be even more difficult to set an alarm. Such was the case the other night. When I wanted to set an alarm for 3:00 am, it actually went off at 3:20 pm. There’s a reason I set four separate alarms to get me out of bed in the morning. This clock is proof technology can’t always be trusted.

Colossians 4:5 says we are to “Walk in wisdom toward them that are without, redeeming the time.” Do you know what time it is? As believers, we need to be aware of the time and season we are in right now. We are in a season of waiting, yes, but we are waiting in expectation and anticipation of Christ’s return. Let’s be sure that we are praying for opportunities to share Jesus Christ with others, walking in the wisdom of knowing His grace, and doing so in a way that expresses His love for us and the truth of who He is. Let’s not get caught sleeping on the job – when the alarm goes off, let’s be ready!


Bible Quiz:

Question:  What Hebrew married the daughter of an Egyptian priest?

Answer:  Joseph  (Genesis 41:45)

Storytime: Honk the Horn at that Guy!

Just one More Thing!

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