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What Day is it?

The Burning Question:

What advice would you give a high school graduate who is now heading to college?

Morning Devotional:

I received a surprise phone call late yesterday afternoon from my brother. 

My brother rarely calls me but when he does, it’s usually for one of two reasons. One, there is something wrong with our parents; or two, he needs to vent about something. Thankfully, yesterday’s phone call was for reason number two.

Oh, did he need to blow off some steam!  My brother recently earned a huge promotion at his company and with it came a whole host of problems to solve. The past few months have been a series of challenges and catastrophes that have been increasingly difficult for him and apparently I was the person he could turn to during rush hour in the Twin Cities. For the better part of an hour, I just listened as he complained, aired out his grievances and talked through his frustrations to the point where he could finally calm down. I think he felt better by the time he reached his driveway. He was collected enough to remind me of my niece’s soccer fundraiser, so there’s that. 

After I hung up the phone, I thanked the Lord that I could be there for my brother. He doesn’t know the Lord yet, but I’m believing He will someday. But he did recognize something that I wish more people in this day and age would do for each other. Paul encouraged the people of the church of Thessalonica to encourage one another, to build each other up, to respect each other and to be at peace with each other. I don’t know why it has to be such a tall order nowadays, but it is. 

When you’re given the opportunity to be a helping hand or a listening ear, do it. You’re being an encourager, and that’s a high calling.

– Beth

Bible Quiz:

Question:  What three rulers, hearing Paul defend himself in Caesarea, agreed that he deserved no punishment?

Answer:  Festus, Agrippa and Bernice (Acts:23-26:32)

Storytime: Giving a two weeks notice.

Just one More Thing!

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