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Morning Devotional:

When I was last at a lake, I saw a father try and coax his young daughter to jump off a dock into the water. The little girl looked like she had every kind of protective gear she could on her body – a life jacket, water wings, an inflatable ring type thing around her waist – if it could float in any way, she was wearing it. The dad was in the water encouraging his little girl to take the leap but she would not have it. At least not until her Daddy changed his tactic.

The father got out of the water and walked out to the end of the dock where his little girl was standing. He took her hand into his own, looked into her eyes and on a count of three, the pair jumped into the lake together. The little girl laughed and giggled without a care in the world, all because her Dad was right by her side the whole time.

I thought to myself, this is the perfect picture of how our Daddy God handles us when we are asked to make the leap of faith. When He asks us to jump by faith into the deep, He doesn’t make us do it alone.  Psalm 56 says, “When I am afraid, I will trust in You.” He’s right there with us, and all we need to do is trust in Him to hold on to our hand when He asks us to take the leap.

– Beth

Burning Question:

What was a time when you procrastinated on something really important? What happened?

Bible Quiz:

Question: According to the law, how many witnesses are necessary before a man could be tried and executed?

Answer:  At least two or three.  (Deuteronomy 17:6)

Storytime: Memories through old Candy

Just one More Thing

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