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Morning Devotional:

How many times have you sinned today? Do we really want to know the answer to that question?  Apparently, someone did – and did the math.

I read yesterday about how the English pastor that penned the hymn, “Rock of Ages” once estimated that by the time a person reached the age of 20, that person had sinned about 630 million times. He also estimated that by the age of 50, the number of sins committed by a single person would rise to one and a half billion. Billion, with a B. I don’t know how the pastor got to that figure but in pondering the problem, I came to the conclusion we all should. However accurate the math, our sins are still too great to count – and yet Jesus took them all to the cross. 

Isaiah 53:6 reminds us that God the Father laid all of our sins on Jesus Christ and because Christ carried our sins to the cross in His nail-scarred hands, we can all stand debt free before God, completely forgiven. 

– Beth

Burning Question:

Whose salvation are you praying for?

Bible Quiz:

Question:  Which nation’s army was destroyed by the Red Sea?

Answer:  Egypt  (Exodus 14:13-31)

Storytime Kalvary is Alive!!!

Just one More Thing

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