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What Day Is It?

The Burning Question:

It’s Bring Your Bible to School Day. What advice would you give students who want to share their faith at school?

Morning Devotional:

I had to smile when I saw it at the checkout counter.  Clearly, I was in good company when I saw a little magnet on the clerk’s till that said, “Forget love, I’d rather fall in chocolate!”

As I was coming to the end of a long, hard day and a bag of my favorite kid sized chocolate treats was on sale, my decision to buy them was clearly justified and the clerk gladly rang up my purchase. 

I am a chocoholic and chocolate always seems to live up to my expectations. I enjoy a piece and I am instantly satisfied. But before long, the moment of bliss wears off and I would have to “fall” into it again to have that same satisfying experience.

The expression, “falling in love,” makes love seem haphazard and almost unintentional.  If we can fall in love, we can climb out as well. God’s love is very different, according to the Word. In Psalm 89 verse two, Ethan the Ezrahite says, “I will declare that Your love stands firm forever, that You have established Your faithfulness in heaven itself.” That verse speaks of a love that stands firm forever. It is a love that is constant, unmoving and does not change. 

We are going to have bad days. We are going to fall down sometimes, too. If we’re going to fall, let’s fall knowing that we are landing on something firm and unmoving – and that is the love of our great Father God!

– Beth

Bible Quiz:

Question:  Who took a servant and a donkey to inform Elisha that her son had died?

Answer:  The Shunammite woman  (2 Kings 4:18-32)

Storytime: Group Assignments Stink.

Just one More Thing!

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