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Morning Devotional:

It’s rare that I have spare time to do it but I enjoy watching those home improvement shows on television. You’re probably familiar with them – they are the shows that take an old, rundown house and transform it into something completely updated and new. My absolute favorite part of those shows is the demolition phase. I love it when the sledgehammers and the bulldozers come out and completely destroy a home to its foundation.  There’s nothing like gutting a place and starting over in my book.

If you are a believer, you are the recipient of an extreme makeover. Your old pre-Jesus self has been demolished and an all-new you is now on display.  Have you thought about the process you went through, or are going through, to get there? Did you enjoy the demolition phase in your life? Getting to the all-new me was so worth all the pain and all the mess. Second Corinthians 5:17 says, “if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come, the old has gone, the new has come.” I’m loving the reveal.

– Beth

Burning Question:

What did your teachers say about you on your report cards and is it still true today?

Bible Quiz:

Question:  The book of Gad the Seer records which king’s deeds?

Answer:  King David  (1 Chronicles 29:29)

Storytime: Sometimes you do need to Yell

Just one More Thing

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