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Morning Devotional:

When I was a child I used to have asthma. I carried an inhaler for emergencies and for several years I was using it fairly regularly. I grew out of it, though, and I hadn’t any problems with asthma at all until about three years ago.

For about a year or so, I was having difficulty breathing from time to time. It was nothing too serious but it was enough to definitely notice a change. The feeling of not getting enough air in your lungs is disconcerting, especially when you understand that asthma is not only about not getting enough air into your lungs but also about the inability to expel air from your lungs. We need to take in oxygen and expel carbon dioxide in order to physically survive. 

I was thinking about that and how the concept of breathing compares to our walk with the Lord. Are we concerning ourselves with taking in more of the Lord, or are we refusing to let go of the things that hinder our time with Him?  As we are encouraged to do in the Word, we are encouraged to cast off our cares and give them to the Lord. It’s only then that we can really, truly breathe. 

– Beth

Burning Question:

It’s Computer Security Day!  What was your worst password?

Bible Quiz:

Question:  Who proclaimed a fast at the river Ahava?

Answer:  Ezra  (Ezra 8:21)

Storytime: So much Yawning!!!

Just One More Thing

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