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Morning Devotional:

It happened again….In the middle of the night, a sharp pain shot through my leg, tightening like a snake squeezing its prey. The throb jolted me awake, forcing me to stumble around the dark house, crippled, in search of relief. I grabbed some water, hoping that dehydration was maybe the culprit. After some time, the pain eased enough for me to crawl back into bed, hoping to snatch a few more hours of sleep.

As I lay there, I thought of the future, a place where pain is a distant memory. In heaven, the promise of Revelation 21:4 holds true: “He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.”

Pain is an inevitable part of life, a consequence of Man’s fall in the beginning. We all experience it at some point, a reminder of our mortality and the imperfections of this world. But in the middle of the suffering, there is hope, a promise of a realm where pain is no more.

In heaven, we will be free from our physical limitations. 

While the pain we experience in this life can be just junk, it serves as a reminder of the promise that awaits us. 

That pain we endure here is a mere shadow compared to the eternal joy that awaits us in heaven.


Burning Question:

It’s just time to quit!  What is that thing you are just done with?

Bible Quiz:


What Future Wife of David rode out to meet him on a Donkey when she was pleading for her husband’s Life?

Answer: Abigail 1 Samuel 25:20

Storytime: Internet Frustrations

Just one More Thing

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