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What Day is it?

The Burning Question:

What is something you cared a lot about when you were younger that now isn’t a big deal?

Morning Devotional:

My parents’ cabin in northwestern Wisconsin is my favorite spot in the world but at first glance, it’s a pretty simple setup. It’s just a three bedroom home on 80 acres of mostly wooded land with a small lake on the back edge of the property. When I was younger, I enjoyed waking up early, taking a walk to the lake and sitting on the water’s edge to watch the sunrise. It was and still is a quiet place to pray and listen for the Lord’s voice. I love it there. 

A summer there was made all the more special when a pair of bald eagles began to make an appearance by the lake. One morning, when I was going through a difficult time, I was sitting on the shore when these two eagles flew over the treeline and into my view. They circled around that lake over and over again as if to get my attention and sure enough, the Lord spoke to me. He pointed out to me how those two eagles weren’t flapping their wings at all. Instead, they were soaring on the currents of the wind in effortless flight, and how that was what I needed to be doing. I needed to stop flapping my wings so hard in my trials, thinking my efforts alone would carry me through them. I needed to rely on the power of His spirit and soar on the currents of His strength.  

I came away from that scene completely renewed and with a greater understanding of His word to us in the book of Isaiah: “But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.”

Are you weary today? Perhaps you need to be renewed in Him. Let Him carry your weight today and lift you up. Rest in Him and soar.

– Beth

Bible Quiz:

Question:  Who stored Goliath’s armor in his tent?

Answer:  David  (! Samuel 17:54)

Storytime: I’m sure the bunny is fine.

Just One More Thing!

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