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What Day is it?

The Burning Question:

What food have you tried to recreate from scratch?

Morning Devotional:

I was in the mood for a feel-good story last night and I found one when I stumbled across a news story about a man who was celebrating an anniversary. This past weekend was the tenth anniversary of his heart transplant. He had completed a 5k run in his donor’s honor, and the donor’s family were in attendance at the race to not only watch him run, but they met him at the finish line. 

At the completion of the race, the two families took a moment where the man took a stethoscope and gave the donor family the opportunity to listen to their child’s heart beating in his chest. There wasn’t a dry eye in that exchange and mine were pretty weepy as well as the two parents listened closely to the healthy, rhythmic beat.

I have a relative who has undergone an organ transplant and the emotions surrounding such a procedure are intense. It’s a powerful feeling to have someone make that kind of sacrifice, especially knowing that a life was lost to save another. Ponder that, and then think of what took place for us to receive salvation. In order for our lives to be saved, someone had to die. Only Jesus could possibly pay that kind of price, and He performed the greatest heart transplant ever by dying on the cross for you and me. 

– Beth

Bible Quiz:

Question:  In what village did Jesus have his first dinner after his resurrection?

Answer:  Emmaus  (Luke 24)

Storytime: Saved from the Storm

Just one more thing!

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