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What Day Is It?

The Burning Question:

What is a habit you would like to start, or improve?

Morning Devotional:

I don’t know how she did what she did but when I got home from work yesterday and found my dog in her normal daily enclosure, she had to go straight to the bathtub.

I knew this was not going to be a pleasant few minutes for either of us because my adorable, tiny geriatric blind and deaf dog has never enjoyed bath time. Sure enough, as soon as her collar came off and the first paw touched the water, the barking and howling commenced.

So did my pleas for her to calm down. 

The more I scrubbed her with soap, the more she tried to pull away from me. When I poured water on her neck, she would yelp as if I was trying to strangle her. I would touch a leg and she would yank it out of my hand. The battle went on until finally, I wrapped her up in a towel, held her tightly against my chest and said to her, “Honey, all I wanted was for you to be clean.”

How often do we resist God’s cleansing power in our lives? Have you ever found yourself preferring to remain in the familiarity of sin? It’s easy to stay stuck in things like addiction, anger, unforgiveness – things that tend to stink if not taken care of. Getting our hearts right before God and knowing Jesus Christ as Lord is the only sure way to become clean. It’s all He wants, so let’s make Psalm 51:7 our prayer: “Cleanse me with hyssop, and I will be clean; wash me, and I will be whiter than snow.”

– Beth

Bible Quiz:

Question:  How old were Moses and Aaron when they spoke to Pharaoh?

Answer:  Moses was 80, Aaron was 83.  (Exodus 7:7)


Just One More Thing!

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