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Morning Devotional:

The Bible tells us that “there is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear.” (1 John 4:18) This is a powerful statement that has the potential to transform you.

Fear is a powerful emotion that can paralyze us. It can keep us from taking risks, from trying new things, and from living our lives to the fullest. But when we experience the perfect love of God, our fears are cast out.

Perfect love is not a feeling, it is a choice. It is a choice to focus on the goodness and faithfulness of God, even when we are afraid. It is a choice to trust that God is with us, even in the midst of our fears.

When we choose to love God perfectly, our fears are no match for his love. We can face whatever life throws our way, knowing that we are loved and protected by God.

So how do we experience perfect love? 

  • Spend time in God’s Word. When we read the Bible, we are reminded of God’s faithfulness and goodness.
  • Pray. When we pray, we can tell God our fears and concerns, and we can ask him to fill us with his love.
  • Serve others. When we serve others, we are showing them the love of God. This can be a powerful way to overcome our own fears and to experience the love of God in a new way.

Are you struggling with fear, Focus on the perfect love of God. Choose to trust him, and choose to love him perfectly. When you do, you will find that your fears are no match for his love.


Burning Question:

What is something you’ve never done, but really want to?

Bible Quiz:

Question: At the Dedication of Solomon’s temple, 120 Priests played what instruments?

Answer: Trumpets 2 Chronicles 5:11-14

Storytime: God rewards you when you step out in faith!

Just one More Thing

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