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Morning Devotional:

Something horrible happened to me last Sunday.  My alarm clock died.

It didn’t just stop on me, either. It put on a production before it uttered its last hurrah!  The numeric display flickered on and off in a random pattern and intensity for a good five minutes or so. The FM radio – which hadn’t worked for a few months – decided to kick in for about 20 seconds, playing stations I couldn’t even recognize. Then suddenly, everything on the screen lit and slowly faded away into nothingness. You couldn’t have written a better appliance death scene than that. 

Knowing I would have to wake up at zero dark thirty on Monday morning to get to work, I rushed to the store to purchase another alarm clock. I didn’t think this would be a difficult task until I got to the alarm clock section and was met with about fifteen or so different options. Do I get the one with the built-in charging station for my cell phone? The one that glows pink or blue or green or any color I wanted? The one that plays nature sounds to help me get to sleep faster? At that moment I didn’t really care. I grabbed the one that looked like it would tell time, had the easiest setup with the loudest alarm and went on my way.

I should have spent a little more time studying my purchase options because when I went to set up my new alarm clock, I discovered a fatal flaw. When I took the clock out of the box, I discovered that the electrical cord had a USB connection at the end instead of a standard electrical plug. I couldn’t plug it into a power source. 

Isn’t it like us to get into that predicament, where we are disconnected from our power source that is the Lord? How do we reverse that? By spending time with Him in prayer, by studying His word, through worship, through building relationship with Him. Don’t forget to plug in to God.

– Beth

Burning Question:

Fill in the blank:  I am the King/ Queen of _________.

Bible Quiz:

Question:  What bedridden paralyzed man was healed by Peter?

Answer:  Aeneas  (Acts 9:33-34)

Storytime: How do you perform when no one is watching?

Just one more thing

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