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What Day Is It?

The Burning Question:

No burning question today – Happy Fourth of July!

Morning Devotional:

Freedom is the big word for today. Freedom in our government, and freedom in Christ. We enjoy so many blessings in this country.  Compared to other countries around the world, we should be on our knees in gratitude to God for what He has blessed us with. But you know, thinking about the freedoms I enjoy, I find that there is a bit of a paradox in that freedom.  Consider this passage from Psalm 119:  

“I will walk in freedom, for I have devoted myself to Your commands.  I will speak to kings about your laws and I will not be ashamed; I delight in your commands because I love them.  I honor your commands, which I love, and I meditate on your decrees.”   

The psalmist here writes about the joys of freedom – and how his freedom is lived out in God’s laws and his own surrender to them. Freedom is found in surrender. That’s something we don’t always think about.   

We tend to think of freedom as being the ability to do whatever we want, whenever we want it, throwing caution to the wind. But in God’s way, it’s different. Freedom is found in following Him in humble service and complete surrender. I will walk in freedom, because I have devoted myself to God’s command. I am his servant – and I am glad. 

If I knew my freedom was being threatened, I would do anything and everything I could to protect it and defend it. Sometimes I feel like I need to do that every day, and I do – as I surrender myself to the one who set me free and lets me live in the blessing of His freedom every day. 

– Beth

Bible Quiz:

Question:  What weapon did Samson use to kill a thousand men?

Answer:  The jawbone of a donkey.  (Judges 15:15)

StorytimeRead it and make it funny!

Just One More Thing!

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