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What Day Is It?

The Burning Question:

It’s National Cheer Up the Lonely Day. What cheered you up when you were lonely?

Morning Devotional:

It was getting late yesterday afternoon when I heard it and when I did, that pang of fear hit me. Someone was knocking on my door. 

Do you enjoy unexpected houseguests? Me, not really. My house can be a mess at times and having someone see all the clutter scattered around my home is rather embarrassing. Thankfully, it was just a neighbor dropping off some mail of mine that went to her address by mistake. I breathed a sigh of relief. 

I also had to laugh because right after that my mind went to a man in the Word who received an unexpected houseguest. The tax collector Zacchaeus was a person who may not have had a messy house but when it came to his sinfulness, he had a lot of clutter in there. But as he was in that sycamore tree, the Savior of the world came knocking and said, “Out of all these people, Zacchaeus, I’m coming to your house for dinner.” 

Was Zacchaeus fearful of his unexpected houseguest? Did he hide what was behind the door of his heart? No, because the offer extended to him was forgiveness and grace. When the Lord knocks on the door of your heart, don’t be afraid to answer it. Let Him in.

– Beth

Bible Quiz:

Question:  What king of Bashan was famous for having an enormous iron bed?

Answer:  Og  (Deuteronomy 3:11)

Storytime: The Blisters were worth it.

Just One More Thing!

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