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What Day Is It?

Burning Question:

What’s something unique your church does that you’re thankful for?

Morning Devotional:

“I just don’t have the faith for that.”

I had a chat with someone just last night who made that declaration. It’s one that I have made and I think most every believer has made at one point or another. We’ve all had that moment when we think our faith has given out.

When my friend confessed her condition to me, I went to a lesson a dear friend of mine taught me years ago – how to have elevator faith.

Have you ever considered how much faith it takes to use an elevator?  You press a button on a wall, trusting that a machine will not only come to you, but also open its door to you and allow you to board. You can’t see any of the moving parts or wiring or any of the inner workings of the elevator car, but you still trust it enough to step into it. You allow the elevator to close with you inside, trusting by faith that when you push another button, the elevator car will not only take you to your desired floor but also allow you to exit. You have no idea how long the elevator has been in the building, who built the elevator or how many people may have used the elevator before. You don’t give those things a second thought. The elevator is there and you use it. You have faith in it. 

Hebrews 11:1 says faith is “the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things unseen.” I can paraphrase that by saying faith is trusting and believing in things you don’t completely understand but are willing to try out. Every time we exercise faith, our faith gets stronger. If you have used an elevator, you have more faith than you know.

– Beth

Bible Quiz:

Question:  Who came to Peter late at night and released him from prison?

Answer:  An angel  (Acts 12:6-7)

Storytime: Photo Bomb!

Just One More Thing!

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