Burning Question:
It’s National Optimist Day! Who is the most optimistic person you know and what have they taught you?
Morning Devotional:
I have had the joy of dog-sitting a 14-year-old schnauzer for the first time this past week and I think we’ve been getting to know each other’s quirks pretty well. For instance, he has figured out that around 4:00 pm, I take a nap. I have learned that at around 5:00 pm, he is starving and ready for dinner.
If those two things happen to overlap, someone becomes a bit crabby, and it hasn’t been me.
I was sound asleep in my living room chair yesterday at about 5:00 pm when I felt the nudge of my canine friend’s muzzle in my hand. I apparently wasn’t waking up fast enough because the next thing I know, he is pawing my hand and whining. Determined not to be rushed out of my rest time, I stayed put – only to see this dog eventually go berserk. He jumped around, barked, ran from my side to the kitchen and back, even head-butted the recliner until I relented, got up and filled his dinner bowl. His persistence paid off.
In Luke chapter 18, Jesus tells a parable about an unjust judge and a certain widow who had a similar struggle. A widow went to the judge demanding justice against an adversary. Bothered by the widow’s persistent asking, the judge finally relents and grants her request. The story is a lesson on persistent prayer and unwavering faith.
When we seek the Lord for our needs and keep seeking Him in faith, God will answer and meet our needs. If an unjust judge granted a widow’s request for justice, wouldn’t you think a loving God and Father would meet the needs of His children? Of course he would. When you have a need, ask the Lord to meet it. Seek His face, knowing that our good Father takes care of His children.
– Beth
Bible Quiz:
Question: What prophet ended his book with God’s threat to come and strike the land with a curse?
Answer: Malachi (Malachi 4:6)
Storytime: The Placebo Affect