Burning Question:
What is the coldest you have ever been?
Morning Devotional:
My intention last night was to cook myself a nice dinner with all the fixings, sit at my kitchen table instead of in front of the television and enjoy a peaceful evening in a quiet setting at home, just me and God and the good book.
I got the me and God part. The rest of my plan didn’t work out so well.
The cooking started off well, but the twice baked potato turned into a three-times burnt fiasco. The chicken breast I had so lovingly marinated and cooked landed on the floor. The side salad ended up okay, but I ended up pairing it with a PB and J.
Unfortunately, dinner wasn’t the only event to fail me last night. Two tasks slated for my afternoon turned into customer service nightmares, one of which is going to cost me a pretty penny to remedy if it is not rectified this week. It was not a good day, especially when my one goal was to take some much-needed time to get quiet time with God.
God was certainly speaking, though, and He made his point very clear to me late last night.
What do you do when you find yourself disappointed? How do you handle the times when life lets you down – or worse yet, when God lets you down?
Psalm 34:10 is a verse to call upon in those moments. David writes, “The lions may grow weak and hungry, but those who seek the Lord lack no good thing.” The paradox in this verse is striking. The strongest of beings – lions, or you and me – still experience the weakness of hunger. What is considered strong by earthly standards still has failings and cannot guarantee satisfaction. By contrast, the Lord is perfect. He never fails, He always satisfies, and the more we seek Him, the closer we come to that realization.
Was God letting me down yesterday? No. The circumstances of my day were unfortunate, but God was not fazed by any of it. His grace covered all of my hurt and knowing that was the true blessing in it.
Disappointment is one of the best opportunities to truly seek the Lord and discover who He really is – a God who is always present and always loving us through hard times.
– Beth
Bible Quiz:
Question: What is Satan the father of?
Answer: Lies (John 8:44)
Storytime: Tomato Paste is Just like Ketchup right?