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What Day Is It?

The Burning Question:

If you could go back to school for one day, which grade would you choose and why?

Morning Devotional:

In a moment of sleeplessness last night, a question popped into my head. What am I passionate about?

A few things came to me right away – family, friends, loved ones, of course. Two other things came to my mind, thanks to the events of yesterday here at the office. Anything chocolate and lately, pumpkin spice chai. Special thanks go to a certain someone in the office here at Kinship Radio for that one. There were some other things that rolled around in my head but one thing rose to the top. I am passionate about the Lord, doing what He wants me to do and serving Him in any and every way He asks. I’m nowhere near perfect in doing that, but I believe it is passion that makes me and hopefully all of us want to do better in that area.

As I went through this little exercise last night, I remembered that it was Moses who prayed to find true satisfaction in his life. We find his prayer in Psalm 90. In verse 14 it says, “Satisfy us in the morning with your unfailing love, that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days.” 

There is no earthly object that can satisfy us the way God’s love can. It makes me wonder at times why we try to find satisfaction elsewhere. I say there’s no better way to start or end a day than in His love. Let’s thank Him for the great love He has for us!

– Beth

Bible Quiz:

Question:  What man of Phillipi took Paul and Silas home and was baptized by them?

Answer:  Acts 16:26-33

Storytime: I created a little Monster.

Just one More Thing!

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