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What Day is it?

The Burning Question:

What little victory are you celebrating today?

Morning Devotional:

I do not know why but lately I have been seeing a lot of spider webs. They seem to be everywhere and it has been a personal mission of mine to knock them down whenever and wherever I see them.

It’s been mostly the string type spider web that I have been finding but last night, I found a pretty one outside my home. It was a classic hexagon shaped one you see in photos on the internet. It was on a shrub in my front yard, and with the moisture from a light rain on it and with the light from my front window hitting it just right, you could really see some amazing detail in it. 

I found that spider web fascinating – so much that I looked up some facts about spider webs online late last night. Did you know that the tensile strength (the maximum stress a material can withstand when stretched or pulled before breaking) of spider silk is greater than the same weight of steel? And, did you know that spider web has just as much, if not more elasticity? There are people out there studying to see if spider silk can be used to make bullet-proof vests and artificial tendons.

For something that looks so small and dare I say frail, that’s strong stuff. 

There are days when my faith feels just like that – small and frail. But we’re told in the Word that our small, frail faith is more than enough to withstand the worst of storms and defend against the strongest of enemies. Our faith may not be spider silk thin but it is mustard seed small, and as the Word says, faith as small as a mustard seed is strong enough to move some pretty big stuff.

Whatever may be coming at you today, know that you have the strength you need to withstand it because the God who created you gave you the capacity to wield the faith you need to make it through. 

– Beth

Bible Quiz:

Question:  How many smooth stones did David have when he went to face Goliath?

Answer:  Five  (1 Samuel 17:40)

Storytime: Zebedee tearing out tack strips like it’s his job.

Just one More Thing!

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