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What Day is it?

The Burning Question:

National High Five Day…. Someone Has done a Great Job, Who deserves a Big High Five from you?  Call or text 800 810 5559!

Morning Devotional:

The Grumpy Chef

We’ve all been there. Interrupted from relaxation, feeling a little out of sorts, and suddenly tasked with something we don’t necessarily want to do. In my case, it was being woken from a rare nap and asked to cook dinner. My initial reaction? Grumpiness. Snapping at my wife and kids wasn’t my finest moment. But a quick self-check revealed the truth: I was letting excuses rule my attitude.

Proverbs 15:18: “A hot temper stirs up strife, but a patient person calms a quarrel.”

How often do we let our moods dictate our actions? How often do we use minor inconveniences as excuses to be short-tempered? This verse reminds us that patience is key. Taking a breath and responding with kindness, even in frustrating situations, can make a world of difference.

Thankfully, after recognizing my negativity, I was able to adjust my attitude and get cooking. It’s a daily practice, but striving for patience allows us to show love and care, even when we’re not feeling our best.

The next time you feel a grumpy response bubbling up, take a moment to breathe and consider the situation. Is it worth letting your mood affect those around you? Remember, a little patience can go a long way.


Bible Quiz:

Question: Who was the Sorcerer Paul encountered on the isle of Paphos?

Answer: Elymas or Bar Jesus Acts 13:6-8

Storytime: A Child’s Logic Doesn’t Comput!

Just one More thing!

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