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Morning Devotional:

“You used to love broccoli!”

That was the line I heard from the booth next to me while I was waiting for my takeout order at the restaurant the other night.  The mother was clearly exasperated by her son’s clear distain of the vegetable on his plate as he was having nothing to do with it.  Kids will be kids, I thought, as I recalled my own dislike of a certain vegetable growing up.  Cauliflower can just disappear as far as I am concerned.

My tastes have changed over the years, though.  I used to hate brussel sprouts until someone prepared them for me roasted with a maple syrup and bacon glaze. Yum!  I loathed mashed potatoes as a child but now I love garlic mashed potatoes.  Things like time, presentation and our willingness to dive into what is new and different changes our opinion and our palate.

The apostle Paul spent a lot of time with the Ephesian church. He wrote a prayer in Ephesians chapter three that they may “grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge.”  But by Revelation rolls around, Jesus has this to say of the Ephesian church: “Yet I hold this against you: You have forsaken your first love.”  (Revelation 2:4) Is your appetite for God’s love still good?

– Beth

Burning Question:

We’ve all heard people say, “Try it, you’ll like it.” When was the last time you took that advice and it really paid off for you?

Bible Quiz:

Question:  How long did Elijah pray for it not to rain?

Answer:  Three years and six months  (James 5:17)

Storytime: I got kicked out of the facebook group

Just one More Thing

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