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Morning Devotional:

My mother told me about a storm that went through their town the other night. The thunder and lightning that hit their neighborhood was so strong, it not only woke up their three-year-old dog but terrified her to the point where she was inconsolable. My mother shared how both she and my Dad had to get up in the middle of the night, wrap her up in a blanket, rock her in the living room rocking chair and hug her tightly as she yelped, howled and screamed at every lightning bolt and thunder clap she heard. It took two hours for their little furbaby to finally calm down and feel safe again. 

As Mom shared her story, I recalled the last time my dog and I experienced a thunderstorm in the middle of the night. I remembered waking up to a loud clap of thunder, rolling over to find my dog fast asleep and oblivious to the situation outside, praying a prayer of protection and falling right back asleep, thankful for the ability to rest in the peace of God. It’s a peace we can carry with us all the time because of the promises we have from the Father.

One of my favorite verses is Isaiah 26:3:  “You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in You.” His peace can be yours today. You can rest in the storms. 

– Beth

Burning Question:

What are some tips for Christian parents and grandparents on raising their children and grandchildren intentionally and influentially?

Bible Quiz:

Question:  What was a unique feature of the hailstorm that God sent upon the Egyptians?

Answer:  Fire darted to the ground, hail broke every tree in the field, storm did not strike in the land of Goshen.  (Exodus 9:22-26)

Storytime: You can’t live in a world of Regret

Just One More Thing

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