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Morning Devotional:

My career as an athlete was very, very brief.

I was in fourth grade when I joined a softball team. I played right field and honestly, I spent most of the season feeling pretty worthless. Nobody could hit the ball out that far for me to catch it and honestly, I didn’t join the team to just stand there but that’s essentially what I did. Thankfully, for the last few games of the season, my coach made a switch and let me play first base. Now we were talking!  I was busy – which was exactly what I needed because as I discovered later in life, I bore very easily – and it turned out I was pretty good at the position.

To this day I remember this incredible double play I made. I caught a line drive and tagged out the runner trying to get from first to second. I would not have had that memory of success had my coach not recognized I was not in the position I needed to be in.

When the apostle Paul talks about the body of Christ being many parts in 1 Corinthians 12, it’s very much like being members of a sports team. We all have strengths and weaknesses, different talents and abilities that make us unique and because of that, we serve in different positions on that team. We are also all called to get into the game. Have you ever wondered what would happen if God’s team – the body of Christ – got its act together and truly worked as one?  That would be a win!

– Beth

Burning Question:

It’s National Savings Day.  What is your best tip for saving money?

Bible Quiz:

Question:  What woman did Peter raise from the dead?

Answer:  Tabitha/Dorcas  (Acts 9:36-41)

Storytime: I had a black eye!

Just One More Thing

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