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Morning Devotional:

I couldn’t for the life of me figure out where the noise was coming from. I was sitting in one of our production studios trying to record some promos when I kept hearing this noise – an occasional, faint but persistent squeak.  Normally I wouldn’t think much of a sound like this but in my line of work, an unintended squeak in a recording can be disastrous so I set out to determine the source of the offending sound.

I checked out the typical suspects. The stool I was sitting on was squeak free, and so was all of the equipment on the tabletop.  I turned off the HVAC system in the room to make sure the noise wasn’t coming from that and no, that wasn’t the source. The squeak was still present.  I got on my hands and knees and listened to the computers in the rack under the counter and no, that wasn’t the source.  I was at a loss – until I looked out the windows and realized the source of the squeak was right in front of my face. Literally. The wind was blowing outside, and a single pane of glass was somehow squeaking because of the wind hitting it. All I had to do was press my finger on the glass near the seam and voila!  The squeak was gone. 

How sharp are your ears when it comes to listening for the voice of God? Do you know how to cut through the noise around you to hear Him speak?  When you do hear His voice, I pray you take the time and effort to listen to Him as well.

– Beth

Burning Question:

If you could have your grandmother cook you anything for you right now, what would it be?

Bible Quiz:

Question:  Why did people complain when Jesus healed a woman who had been crippled for 18 years?

Answer:  Jesus healed her on the Sabbath.   (Luke 13:10-17)

Just One More Thing

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