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Morning Devotional:

I have yet to have someone tell me that my tastes are extravagant. I don’t go to fancy restaurants, I don’t take luxury vacations or drive an expensive car. I don’t spend a lot of money on clothes. I like to think I am pretty frugal with my money and I don’t spend my cash on anything without considerable thought. When I do shop for something, I wait and I buy what I need when it is on sale. Extravagant is just not my style.

When you think of the word extravagant, there’s often a negative connotation that comes with it. There is a place where it is positive and even welcomed, and that is when we talk about the grace of God. Is God ever stingy when it comes to grace? Does He ever ration it out? No! In fact, He does just the opposite. The apostle Paul wrote in Ephesians chapter one that God has blessed us with “every spiritual blessing” and that His grace is “freely given” to us. He not only gives us His grace, but He lavishes His grace on us! It’s never too much for Him to give. He doesn’t skimp on that at all.

– Beth

Burning Question:

What would other people say you are most passionate about?

Bible Quiz:

Question:  What birds fed Elijah in the wilderness?

Answer:  Ravens  (1 Kings 17:2-7)

Storytime: They have finally adjusted!

Just One More Thing

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