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What Day is it?

The Burning Question:

When did you wish you had spoken up?

Morning Devotional:

Watching all the flooding and devastation from Hurricane Helene this weekend, I’ve been feeling helpless. From so far away, it seems like there’s so little I can do to help.”

Have you ever felt that way? You see the pain and suffering in the world—whether from natural disasters, personal struggles, or tragedies—and wonder, “What can I do?” When we’re distant from the situation, it’s easy to feel powerless. But, as believers, we’re never truly powerless because we can always turn to God in prayer.

In Psalm 46:1-2, we’re reminded, “God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore, we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea.” This verse gives us assurance that God is actively present, even when the ground beneath us shifts, figuratively or literally.

Even when we can’t be on the front lines of helping, we can pray. Prayer might seem like a small thing, but it has the power to move mountains. We can also give, volunteer in our local communities, and spread hope in our own circles. When we do this, we are reflecting the heart of Jesus, who calls us to care for the hurting and the broken.

The truth is, God works through the hands and feet of those who are close to the disaster, and He works through the prayers and hearts of those who are far away. Both are important in the kingdom of God.


Bible Quiz:

Question:  What prophet foresaw a time when a Lion would eat straw?

Answer:   Isaiah 11:7

Storytime: It was a weighty decision!

Just One More Thing!

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