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Morning Devotional:

I had the wonderful pleasure of going out with a couple of friends on Friday evening and part of our outing included a drive in the country. One of the rare occasions where I didn’t have to drive!  I loved being able to be in the back seat of the car for once, taking in the view of the countryside passing by. It was a perfect evening. 

Friday evening also happened to be the first opportunity I got to see the signs of a very important season here in the Midwest – harvest. As we rounded a bend in the county road, there were the combines, tractors and wagons all cutting their way through the fields, gathering up the first of this year’s crops. The setting sun was giving the dust in the air that perfect bright goldish white color, the color we recognize as the perfect time of harvest season. I thought to myself, tomorrow morning that field would be bare. The crop will be gone, completely harvested. 

There is a word we have in the scriptures in John 4 where Jesus says the fields are “ripe for harvesting.” That harvest will go so quickly when the time comes and Jesus makes his comeback. There is not a lot of time for you and me to work those fields, to see that those around us come to know the Lord, because one day we’ll all wake up and it will be too late.  The time is now.  What are we called to do?  To reach out to those around us who don’t yet know the love of God and the truth of what His Son Jesus did for us on the cross, and tell them!

– Beth

Burning Question:

What dream of yours would you like to see come true?

Bible Quiz:

Question: What church was the scene of a burning of wicked books?

Answer:  Ephesus  (Acts 19)

Storytime: He Was Invited!!!

Just one More Thing

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