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Morning Devotional:

I was in a bit of a wrestling match with the Lord the other day. It’s not important to know what the argument was about but I can tell you it was a battle of faith. My faith had tanked and I needed some encouragement fast. I was going round after round with the Lord until I finally got to the point where I said out loud to Him, “Prove it.” At that moment, the wrestling stopped. I realized I was in a trap – one that said loudly and clearly that even though I believed I had heard from God, I didn’t trust Him.

What happened next was nothing short of God’s grace. He brought to my remembrance the story of Thomas in the scriptures. Good ol’ doubting Thomas. The one disciple who needed to see the wounds of the risen Jesus before he would believe. You know what I love about that story? Jesus didn’t cast Thomas aside because of his unbelief. He did the opposite. He let Thomas touch the wounds in his hands.  He would take his hand and let him feel the wound in his side. He would let Thomas not only investigate but take hold of the proof he needed in order to believe.

Did I get the proof I needed in my squabble with the Lord the other day? The question should be, did I need it at all? Nope. What I really needed to hear were the words of the Lord in John 20:29:  “Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.”

– Beth

Burning Question:

What encouragement or word of wisdom did you receive from your pastor still resonates with you today?

Bible Quiz:

Question:  What did King Nebuchadnezzar see after he had three men thrown into a burning fiery furnace?

Answer:  A fourth man in the fire   (Daniel 3:24-25)


Just One More Thing

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