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Morning Devotional:

My daughter Mercy invited a little friend of hers to church. My heart was warmed when I heard her tell my wife excitedly, “Mommy, maybe she will tell her Family about Jesus!

When Mercy invited her little friend to church, she was following the example of Jesus. Jesus commanded us to go and make disciples of all nations. This means that we are to share the good news of Jesus Christ with others and invite them to follow him, and one way to do that is to invite folks to a place where we know they will here the Gospel

Mercy’s invitation to her friend is a reminder that we can all make a difference in the lives of others. We can all share the good news of Jesus Christ and invite them to follow him.


Burning Question:

What’s the dumb thing you caught yourself doing? 

Bible Quiz:

Question: What Disciple was told by Jesus that Satan wanted to sift him like wheat?

Answer: Peter Luke 22:31

Storytime: He didn’t Spend it!  Shocking!

Just one More Thing

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