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Morning Devotional:

Putting my bicycle away for the winter yesterday reminded me of a day about ten or so years ago when I got the pleasure of watching my youngest niece learn how to ride her bike.

She had just turned six and got a new bike for her birthday, and my brother was preparing her to ride without training wheels. She had already been riding like a pro, but with the training wheels still set to the highest setting and never touching the pavement.  As I sat on the front porch of their house, I loved watching the two of them do laps up and down the street, with my niece struggling to stay upright on her bike, yelling to her Daddy, “Don’t let go!” Of course, like any good father, my brother was running beside her the whole time, right there to cheer her on.

My niece’s triumph on two wheels reminded me of the promise we have from our Father God in Isaiah chapter 41, a promise I cling to when I am feeling wobbly in my faith. Verse 10 says, “Fear not, for I am with you. Do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold with my righteous right hand.”  When we feel like we’re falling, God is there to catch us. I find that comforting today.

– Beth

Burning Question:

What is your favorite thing about where you grew up?

Bible Quiz:

Question:  Jesus drove an evil spirit out of a man who called him the Holy One of God.  In what town did this take place?

Answer:  Capernaum  (Luke 4:31-35, Mark 1:21-26)


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