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Morning Devotional:

Have You Experienced Healing?

Peter was anxious for his mother-in-law who was struggling with a severe fever that could prove fatal. Jesus, sensing Peter’s fears, came to his house and was asked to help her. With the confidence of a skilled surgeon, Jesus went beyond offering medical advice and demonstrated his ability to heal people instantly. He commanded the fever to leave, and it obeyed.

The woman’s immediate response to the profound healing she received was to serve others, as she had always done. This was her way of expressing gratitude to Jesus and bearing witness to his life-giving power.

When we experience healing, both physical and spiritual, how do we respond? Are we grateful and eager to serve others who are also in need of Jesus’ healing touch? Let us be ready and willing servants, showing gratitude for all that God has done for us as we go about our daily lives.

Burning Question:

What was the best advice a medical professional ever gave you? 

Bible Quiz:

Question:What did Elisha do for the Syrian Soldiers after leading them to Samaria?

Answer: Prayed for the healing of their Blindness 2 Kings 6:19-20

Storytime: Mercy and Zebedee’s Puppy Dog Eyes

Just One More Thing

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