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What Day is it?

The Burning Question:

It’s National Repeat Day.  What is worth repeating?

Morning Devotional:

I was flying home from a convention in Florida last Saturday and as soon as I saw them board the plane, I got that feeling of dread. A group of children bogged down with every theme park stuffed animal, hat or prize imaginable, followed by two clearly exhausted parents, were heading my way down the aisle. Given that the children appeared both overstimulated and overtired, I said to myself, this could be a long flight. 

Thankfully, the children ended up sleeping for most of the flight – until the pilot announced we were on final approach to the airport in Minneapolis. At that moment, the kids pressed their faces to the window, and began narrating the descent to the rest of the passengers. Their commentary went like this:

“Mom, I can see land! I can see the trees!”

“I can see a square!”

“Mom, look at all the roads!  I can see roads!”

“Look at all the little tiny cars, Mom!  They’re so tiny!  And you know what?  I bet all those little tiny cars have little tiny people in them. Little tiny people, Mom!”

“Yeah, and maybe some of those little tiny cars have a little tiny dog in them, just like our dog. Right, Mom?”

“Is that water, Mom? Is that a lake?”

“It is, and I see a fish in it!”  A comment to which Mom intervened and said, “Honey, now I think you’re fibbing a little.”

I adored the comic relief and the wide-eyed wonder those children displayed, but what I loved more was the reminder they gave me of God’s faithfulness in our lives. Whatever may be happening in our day, whether good or bad, we have a loving God who never takes His eyes off of us. He revealed this trait to a servant woman named Hagar in Genesis 16, and He will prove it to you today. He is the God who sees us, no matter how tiny we may feel.

– Beth

Bible Quiz:

Question:  What did Moses rebuke Aaron for?

Answer:  Making the golden calf  (Exodus 32:19-22)

Storytime: The Boomarang is Back!

Just one more thing!

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