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Morning Devotional:

My vacation was more of a staycation in that I made it a point not to go anywhere.  I didn’t leave town, I hardly went to the store, I didn’t do much of anything except hang around my house and take care of some odd chores I have been meaning to do for months. One of those things was to do some cleaning, including some electronic cleaning. I needed to clean out the hard drive on my home computer so I dug into some old files and boy, did I find some stuff.  One file in particular had me going for some time. It was a list of things I had compiled years ago – a list of blessings.

I didn’t remember exactly when I started this list but here it was – a list of things that I found myself at the time thankful for. The list was long, too.  I had family and friends on it, good things that happened in my life, a couple of bad things that taught me important lessons, a lot of stuff. The very act of reading my list made me add a few things to it as well. It was a great exercise, one that I believe we all need to do from time to time. I was reminded of what it says in James 1:17, “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights.” I think it’s a good idea to thank Him for every one of those good and perfect gifts, don’t you?  Make a list today, and give Him thanks for what He has done for you!


Burning Question:

Is camping fun?  Why or why not?  Do you have a story to “prove” your opinion?

Bible Quiz:

Question:  Which Gospel does not mention the story of the little children coming to Jesus?

Answer:  John

Storytime:  She has a bank account and a JOB!

Just one More Thing

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