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What Day Is It?

The Burning Question:

If you could write some words of encouragement on a highway billboard today, what would it say?

Morning Devotional:

I am not what you would call a courageous person. I am afraid of a lot of things.  Spiders, snakes, heights, scary movies, I don’t like them. If I had to save you from a vicious mouse or something, you’d probably suffer. In my walk with the Lord, my lack of courage is consistently challenged by the words of the Lord that say things like, “Do not be afraid,” “Fear not,” and “Be strong and courageous.”   A favorite quote of mine says, “Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear, not absence of fear.”

I have come to understand, slowly, that a courageous person is not one who is without fear. A courageous person is someone who can control their fear and then do the right thing – putting their trust wholeheartedly in God and going where He wants them to go.

The very first time the Lord spoke to me He gave me a verse that to this day, combats my fearful nature. It is my life verse and it is Isaiah 41:10: “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”

The more I walk with Him, the braver I get and I like that.

– Beth

Bible Quiz:

Question:  In the book of Philemon, who is Paul’s fellow prisoner?

Answer:  Epaphras  (Philemon 1:23)


Just One More Thing!

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