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What Day Is It?

The Burning Question:

Who is most responsible in your life for lightening the mood?  Can you remember something they did?

Morning Devotional:

I had stayed up way too late Saturday night and into Sunday morning attempting to finish a host of tasks for the office. When I finally turned in for the night, it was well past 3:00 am and I was completely spent.

My dog, on the other hand, had been dutifully put to bed at her normal time of 9:00 pm by yours truly. She was sound asleep, snoring away to beat the band. Shortly after I had reached the first cycle of a deep sleep, I heard the sound.

Clink, clink, slurp, slurp. It was my little Zoey, drinking from her water bowl.

You might be wondering why I would give my dog access to water in the middle of the night. If I don’t, the sounds I would hear in the darkness would be far more obtrusive. There would undoubtedly be barking, crying, and a few choice yelps forcing me out of bed to deliver her precious water. Experience has taught me I can usually sleep through her clinkety slurping.

Not this time, though, as I quickly remembered I had forgotten to top off her water dish before I went to bed. As the dutiful dog mom I am, I got up, filled a cup of water from the bathroom sink and replenished Zoey’s water supply while she was still lapping out of her nearly empty bowl, never missing a beat.

As I crawled back under my covers, I uttered a simple prayer to the Lord. “Father, now I need you to do the same thing for me.”

My Sunday morning was a tough one. I woke up to a number of battles and by midday, my soul should have been as dry as a desert. It wasn’t, and by the end of the day my cup was running over. God was speaking very clearly to me. His mercy was still new. His grace was sustaining me. His presence and favor had never left me, and His love enveloped me. 

In John 4:14, the apostle tells us when we know Jesus Christ as our Savior, we are connected to the source of living water that will never run dry. Jesus is always faithful to fill us up when the tank gets low and I praise Him for it.

– Beth

Bible Quiz:

Question:  Who laughed when she heard she would bear a son in her old age?

Answer:  Sarah (Genesis 18:10-12)

Storytime: Contentious Hot Pockets!

Just One More Thing!

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