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What Day Is It?

The Burning Question:

What is your best story from summer camp?

Morning Devotional:

I’m so glad you will eat anything! That’s what my wife Kris said the other night after a dinner of leftovers. This is because my kids and my wife, for the most part, are very picky people. And if it wasn’t for me and the fact that I will truly eat almost anything that isn’t burnt, we would be throwing out a lot of food in our house. My wife appreciates that!

It got me thinking about how we often treat the spiritual nourishment God offers us. Sometimes, we can be just as picky with our spiritual diet as my kids are with their food. We might only want the parts of God’s word that are easy to swallow, the messages that comfort us without challenging us. But just like a balanced diet is necessary for physical health, a balanced spiritual diet is crucial for our spiritual health.

In the Bible, Psalm 119:103 says, “How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth!” God’s word, in its entirety, is meant to nourish us, even the parts that might be difficult to digest at first. It’s through embracing all of it that we grow and become spiritually healthy.

So, next time you come across a challenging passage in the Bible, don’t shy away from it. Instead, remember that every part of God’s word is valuable and meant for our growth. Let’s strive to be less picky with our spiritual food and embrace all that God has to offer.


Bible Quiz:

Question:  What was the name of Sarah’s Egyptian Maid?

Answer:  Hagar Genesis 16:1

Storytime: Glory and Malachi Cleaning up.

Just One More Thing!

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