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What Day Is It?

The Burning Question:

What food from your childhood is just as good as you remember?  What food is way worse?

Morning Devotional:

I am very easily fascinated by words, especially when it comes to studying the Bible. Call me crazy but it’s true. Take the word amazed, for instance. According to, the root word amaze was first recorded before the year 1000 and is a Middle English word meaning to confuse. If I were to ever get lost in a maze, that’s exactly what I would be. Confused!

To be amazed by the things of God is pretty easy.  We have an incredible Father who not only holds the universe in place but also holds you and me in the palm of His hand. Did you know that there are only two instances in the Word where Jesus is recorded as being amazed?  The first is in Mark chapter six where it says Jesus “could not do any miracles [in his hometown], except lay hands on a few sick people and heal them. Jesus was amazed at their lack of faith.” The second is in Luke chapter seven, where Jesus encounters the centurion who asks him to heal his servant merely by the power of His spoken word from a distance. After hearing his request, Luke 7:9 says Jesus “was amazed at him” and said, “I tell you, I have not found such great faith even in Israel.” 

Both of these instances speak to the measure of a person’s faith – either the presence of great faith or lack of it. Faith is something that we have to cultivate, which shouldn’t be too hard because we have a faithful God. If Jesus were to gauge your faith today, whose camp would you be in?  

– Beth

Bible Quiz:

Question:  Who sealed up five Amorite chieftains in a cave by rolling large stones across the entrance?

Answer:  Joshua  (Joshua 10:16-18)

Storytime: He even Cares about the little things.

Just One More Thing!

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