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Morning Devotional:

When I saw the number come across my caller ID, I did what most all of us would have done. Since it was a number I did not recognize from a state where I knew no one, I immediately ignored it. About an hour or so later, I happened to see that whoever it was left me a voicemail. I listened to the message only to realize it was a volunteer from a Christian ministry I support financially thanking me for my most recent donation. A very nice gesture, but the second part of the message was what broke me. The volunteer wanted to know how they could be praying for me.

It just so happened I was having a rough day. I wasn’t feeling well physically and I was mentally and emotionally spent. I was feeling lonely and honestly, I could have used someone to talk to that day. I realized I had missed an opportunity to connect with someone who could have been the “right person at the right time” to meet me in my need. I missed the chance to connect with them but I did walk away with this comfort – somewhere in Little Rock, Arkansas, a perfect stranger had me on their mind and was lifting me and my unknown needs up to God.

In Matthew 6:8, Jesus tells us that our Father in heaven knows what we need before we ask Him. God knew I needed an intercessor before I did yesterday and that gave me a lot of comfort. He knows what you need today, too. You can trust Him to meet your needs today, too, even before you make the call.

– Beth

Burning Question:

It’s National Get Out of the Doghouse Day. What is a story about a time when you were “in the doghouse” with someone else. What happened?

Bible Quiz:

Question:  What righteous man suffered from boils?

Answer:  Job  (Job 2:7)

Storytime: Don’t look to close

Just one more thing

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