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Morning Devotional:

If you ever want to really tug at my heartstrings, set a photo of a lost dog in front of me.

A friend of mine’s dog was recently scared off by fireworks and ran away, and she has yet to find her.  She’s a little Maltese mix, a real cutie, so when I saw the post she put on Facebook asking for help finding her dog, I was heartbroken.  I am praying that her little fur baby will come home.

I know what I would be like if my little dog was lost.  I would be worried sick and looking everywhere for her. I know, too that my concern pales in comparison to what God feels toward those of us who are lost.  Just read Luke chapter 15. In a series of three parables, Jesus tells us what lengths the Father will go to in order to save us. In the case of a lost sheep, the Father leaves the ninety-nine to seek out the one stray. A woman with a lost coin was relentless in her search, tossing her house to find it. When she locates it, she calls her friends over to rejoice in her find. The third parable is the story of the prodigal son – where a patient father threw a party for the wayward son who found his way home.

Luke 19:10 reminds us that the Son of Man came to seek out and save the lost. We need to not only take not of that know it deep in our hearts. His heart is always for us, always for the lost, and He will go to great lengths to prove it to us.

– Beth

Burning Question:

What were you forced to watch over and over again?

Bible Quiz:

Question:  According to Proverbs, what kind of water is sweet?

Answer:  Stolen water  (Proverbs 9:17)

Storytime: It’s hard to be loving when you are tired

Just one more thing

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