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What Day is it?

Morning Devotional:

I hate plumbing. The mere thought of dealing with clogged drains and malfunctioning pipes sends shivers down my spine. The only thing worse than facing the issue is reaching for my wallet to pay for a plumber.  So I often try my hand at fixing things before making that call.

Recently, we encountered a sluggish drain in the kids’ bathroom—and I couldn’t ignore any longer. With a sigh, I embarked on my DIY plumbing adventure. I attempted to snake the drain, but the tool met resistance, repeatedly emerging as if encountering a secondary obstacle. Then,  I turned to chemical solutions, employing Drano and hot water. No Dice. It became evident that I needed professional help, and I couldn’t help but wonder why I hadn’t sought it sooner.

You know, it’s kind of like that with sin. No matter how hard we try, our attempts to fix the sin problem fall short. Like a stubborn drain, sin resists our efforts to eliminate it. It often lurks beneath the surface, revealing its true magnitude only when it becomes too overwhelming to ignore.

In such moments, we are reminded of our need for a divine plumber—Christ Himself. We cannot overcome sin on our own; we require His intervention. The beauty of it all is that He not only fixes the issue but also bears the cost. We don’t have to worry about paying the price for our sins because Jesus has already covered it.

Scripture reminds us in Romans 6:23 (NIV): “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Just as a plumber addresses the plumbing issues we can’t handle, God addresses the sin problem we can’t fix. Through faith in Christ, we receive the gift of redemption and eternal life.

So, let us not delay in reaching out to the heavenly plumber, acknowledging our need for His mercy and grace. In doing so, we find not only a remedy for our sin but also the assurance that the price has been paid, and we are free.


The Burning Question:

If you could, which year of your life would you do over? Why?  

Bible Quiz:


Who had a vision of a valley filled with men’s dry bones?


Ezekiel 37:1-14

Storytime: He went Backwards!!!

Just One More Thing!

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