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What Day Is It?

Morning Devotional:

I was all prayed up and ready to hit the road.  Finally, I was heading home for the holidays. 

The weather was decent for my three-hour drive to Mom and Dad’s place. Traffic was hardly a problem, either. The tunes on the radio were perfect road trip material, too. (Thanks, Kinship Radio!) All was well and I was having a grand time behind the wheel until smack! A rock hit my windshield and this perfect chip formed in the glass, right in my line of sight.  My perfect drive home ruined.

Frustration set in as I thought to myself, here’s another problem I’m going to have to fix. And didn’t I pray for a problem-free trip? Didn’t I ask for protection, Lord?

But then the revelation set in. I had prayed for protection and I got it. That little rock didn’t harm me. Neither did wind or cold air or rain or anything. My protection was there all along in the form of the windshield. If you look closely at your own windshield, you will likely see a number of blemishes. These are caused by little things that you never saw bounce off of your glass. 

In life, you and I as believers have another type of protection.  Jesus Christ is our windshield. He is with us all the time protecting us from harm even when we aren’t thinking about Him. Those of us redeemed by Him need to be thankful for that. 

Thank you Jesus!

– Beth

The Burning Question:

What are you going to change in 2024?

Bible Quiz:

Question:  What meat was eaten at the Passover meal?

Answer:  Lamb  (Exodus 12)


Just one More Thing!

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