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What Day Is It?

The Burning Question:

It’s Letter to an Elder Day.  What elder could you write a letter to today?

Morning Devotional:

No trains, but lots of planes and automobiles!

So the theme for me last week was all about travel. I had the pleasure of hitting the road with a few other Kinship Radio staffers to attend the NRB Convention in Nashville and we had an amazing time there. I love to travel – put an airline ticket in my hands and I’m like a kid in a candy store. But any major trip has its moments when stress can threaten to steal the joy of the journey. The biggest stress of this trip? The map!

The hotel we stayed at was a huge 47-acre maze of hotel rooms, restaurants, gift shops, clothing boutiques, business centers, gardens, ponds and waterfalls. It even had a river flowing through it! I got turned around at least once each of the first four days of our stay. But on day five, I made a very important discovery. The hotel had an app with a wayfinding feature, one that once you entered where you wanted to go, would instantly locate where you were on the property and guide you step by step how to get there. 

I thought I had a good sense of direction but when you’re on a journey, there’s nothing like having a good map. When it comes to our spiritual lives, we have that map in the word of God. Psalm 119:105 says that God’s word is a lamp to our feet and a light to our paths. It’s the best map you can have.

– Beth

Bible Quiz:

Question:  What man was first mentioned as being a hunter in the Bible?

Answer:  Nimrod  (Genesis 10:8-9)

Storytime: I can’t find the Parsley!

Just one more thing!

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