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Morning Devotional:

Do you readily accept the blame?

Taking the blame is not easy. It requires character and courage. But it is important to do so when it is our fault. We often prefer excuses to responsibility. We make excuses for our mistakes, our failures, and our shortcomings. We blame others for our problems. We tell ourselves stories about how we are the victim, not the perpetrator.

But excuses are not the answer. They only serve to make us feel better in the short term. In the long term, they hold us back from growth and maturity.

The men involved in Jesus’ trial were no different. Judas could not bear to take responsibility for his actions. He returned the money he had been paid to betray Jesus, but it was too late. He had already condemned Jesus to death.

Pilate tried to avoid blame by suggesting that Barabbas might take Jesus’ place. Pilate knew Jesus was innocent, but he did not have the courage to stand up for what he believed in. He washed his hands in front of the crowd and claimed he was innocent of Jesus’ blood.

But excuses and avoidance will not work in the presence of God. We must face our own guilt, our own responsibility, and our own accountability. We must take the blame for our actions.

Only when we do so can we receive the blessing of forgiveness and new life that Jesus came to provide for us.


Burning QuestionIf you could get a robot to take over one chore, what would it be?

Bible Quiz:

Question: Who said, “Is that your voice, David my son?

Answer: Saul 1 Samuel 26:17

Storytime: I love it when something comes full Circle

Just one more thing

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